Sports Massage Therapy
In massage, the intention is to relax the soft tissues, increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas, warm them up and help the body to relax.
Massage may be found to bring relief from everyday aches, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address feelings of anxiety and tension and aid general wellness. It can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.
Sports massage is not just for athletes! If you sit at a computer screen frequently, drive long hours or have a manual job a soft tissue massage could benefit you greatly, particularly if you suffer from postural problems.
Benefits include…
Increased the blood flow to the area massaged
Increased the lymphatic flow, reducing pain, swelling, inflammation aiding the healing process
Relieved physical or psychological stress and tension
Reduced muscle tension
Aids the Treatment of…
Joint Related Pain and Dysfunction
Neck or Back ache
Carpal Tunnel
Tendon, Ligament & Muscle Injuries
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Reach your true potential.